Sunday, April 20, 2008

"Don't Leave Me" and "Would You Still Be There Tomorrow?" (Songs)

NOTE: These are songs that I wrote for a now-mostly-defunct short story. I left the "musical" notes in so that anyone who wants to try can take a stab at imagining what the hell I was trying to do.

“Don’t Leave Me”

NOTES: 1.) Bass drum thumping slow, a thump about every two or three seconds 2.) Acoustic guitar plucking strings in rhythm (lead singer playing) about five notes for every thump of the bass drum 3.) Lead singer sings the words in an almost whisper and a lot of heartache in his voice that speaks reams of personal experience 4.) Electric bass guitar comes in halfway through the first verse so low and subtle that you have to be listening for it to hear it and it builds up to something by the time the verse ends 5.) Then:

Could I be there with you?
Would you still listen
When I have nothing left to say?
The sound of your voice
Could take me to where you are
And I just wanted you to know
That I’ll be okay

NOTES (CONT.): 1.) Short drum solo ending in cymbals crashing, then drums settling into rhythm for the chorus as 2.) Electric guitars come crashing in with a lot of buzzing noise at the same time as 3.) Lead singer raises voice and yells the lyrics to the chorus with anger and hurt 4.) On ‘today’ all the different parts of the musical ensemble settle down and settle back into the rhythm of before

Don’t leave me here
Don’t leave me here alone
Don’t leave me
Cold and empty and helpless, unsheltered
Don’t leave me here

NOTES: Lead Singer screaming

All this selfishness
And wasted trust
You threw it in my face!
You laughed as I lay broken ON THE FLOOR!
And I felt how bitter your love tastes
But where were you in the aftermath?
Gone slamming through the door
But I wanted so much more

NOTES: Really quiet

(Second Chorus)
Don’t leave me here alone
Don’t leave me here today
Don’t leave me
Cold and empty and helpless, unsheltered
Don’t leave me here
Like you did

“Would You Still be There Tomorrow?” (Just an acoustic guitar, simple strumming)

Would you still be there tomorrow
When I come back from yesterday?
Could we still wind up together?
Is that a promise that you’ll make?

And I don’t know (‘know’ high-pitched and long and drawn out) if we can make it through
The days just drift away

(Guitar strums down until…)But, baby, I just wanted you know
(Guitar picks out notes to the final words)That I still love you

Should I still be walking this city block
On these beaten tired feet?
All this endless walking that I do
It’s amazing that we never meet

And I don’t know if we can make it through
The days just drift away
And I’m sleeping in these silent halls
Dreaming of your face
I’m counting by the hours
Just waiting for that day
When we could be together
In that long-lost distant place
But, baby, I just wanted you to know
That I still love you

1 comment:

TheJourney18 said...

Beautiful lyrics that speak directly to my heart...