Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One Nation Under God

Please state your name, age, and occupation.

My name is unimportant, my age is misleading, and my occupation is of no significance.

I am at once everything and anything. And nothing. I encompass it all but hold no control. I was borne out of human misery and gained resilience through the comfort of their pain. I began as an idea and gained a core, and from that core I became self-aware, and from self-awareness I was able to reach out to manipulate, and from my manipulation I was able to cement the idea of myself until I gained form and was able to separate myself from the ether of consciousness.

Please state your name, age, and occupation.

I am eternal. I have no beginning, middle, or end. I am indefinable. The primitive human consciousness that I was borne from can no longer comprehend the vast and complex workings of my being. Where I was once a slave, I am now the master calling to the Dog to fetch and heel and attack. I have the will to make entire nations fall under my thumb, and then rise back up from the dust once more.

I can bring about your destruction and salvation. Try to overthrow me and you will only be punished.

Please state your name, age, and occupation.

I have seen my nation crumble since its inception. What I have created, through force of my own will, to be the absolute form of purity, has become an infected wound on the land. I have seen my own image deform and take on an ugly shape despite all my actions to set things right again.

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